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At Ziiva, we offer more than a comprehensive, tailor-fit Learning Management System. We are always seeking ways to enrich your company culture and improve the online learning experience that you offer to your students, employees, customers, or users.

Should You Update Your Training Content?

Posted by Kellyann Bryan on Fri, Jan 17, 2020

New year, new…training?

Whether or not you conform to the “new year, new you” thinking at the start of January, an occasional shake-up or re-imagining does have its perks – especially when it comes to your employee training.



Forget the diets, budgets, and gym memberships (well, maybe don’t, if that’s your jam) and let’s take a look at your training content and see how a few small tweaks can make a difference.


1. Take Stock of All Current Training Programs
What programs are you currently using – are they working well for you? For your employees? Is the content relevant and up-to-date? Taking the time to peruse and assess your current programs will have a ripple effect throughout your company. Properly trained employees are informed and engaged, resulting in better performance, fewer accidents, and overall, time and assets saved. 

2. Check Employee Training Data
While you’re at it, check that all of your employees are also up-to-date on their training requirements. Administrative tasks like these often fall through the cracks, so consider running monthly (or weekly) automated reports to keep up with deadlines and data. Send email reminders to employees for upcoming or overdue training. Read more about reporting here.

3. Consider Implementing (or Revamping) Microlearning
Microlearning is an effective method for specialized training, refresher courses, and supplementing long-form training. It also boasts higher retention and engagement among users because of its often fun, easy-to-consume delivery. If you are already using microlearning in your training, see if there are additional courses you could add – look for gaps in training you noticed when you did your assessment.


4. Compile Existing Training Extras (and Create a Few New Ones)
Gather all of your existing training extras – info-graphics, charts, videos, PDFs – and decide what stays and what may no longer be relevant. Create some fresh additions to fill in those gaps that may be present. 

5. Revitalize Your Reference Library

If you don’t already have a reference library, it’s a great tool to have in your training arsenal. Take all of the training content that you’ve updated, as well as the supplemental extras, and keep it all in one place. Not only is this a great organizational tool for you or your training supervisor, it’s infinitely valuable to your employees to have access to training materials, all the time. If you do have a reference library already, give it a little TLC – when’s the last time you did a little dusting, a little polishing?


We may scoff at the idea of new year, new anything, but let’s be honest -- it’s not a bad idea to rethink your training content to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. You’ve already done the work, make it work for you.

Better yet, make us work for you --

Set up a call or send us your questions

Topics: computer based training, online training, lms content

Guide to LMS security

Posted by susan reuter on Wed, Mar 21, 2018

When switching to a new LMS, you will need to keep your users and your system safe. Working with your new LMS provider, use this graphic to help determine what security features and settings you will need.

An animated icon of a lock opening and closingWhat information needs to be made secure?

Content/curriculum — Government/defense, Trade secrets, Import/export control — Data will need to be encrypted at a high level Personally Identifiable Information — Healthcare: HIPPA compliance, Academic: FERPA compliance, Government/defense: Agency regulations 

User data — Names, email, progress — Must be encrypted at rest and during transactionEcommerce — Do you accept payments? — Ensure server is PCI compliant

An icon of a cloud receiving and sending dataWhere is your data?

Where is your data physically stored? Is it physically secure? Who has access?

Is the server secure agains cyberattacks?

Does the server use secure authentication? Does it need to access other secure systems? Who controls authentication keys?What security certificates do you need? SSL? HTTPS?


We can do a security review with you, determine what needs to be secured, 
and build the security into the system.


Topics: elearning tools, learning management systems, switching LMS, lms content

Integrating your new LMS with 3rd-party systems

Posted by susan reuter on Thu, Mar 08, 2018

As you set up a new LMS, you may have to integrate with 3rd-party HR systems (like ADP), CRM systems (like SalesForce), Association Management Systems (like Abila, formerly Avectra), or other platforms.

While every setup is different, we’ve pulled together four issues that frequently arise during this process, and suggestions for how your LMS partner can work with you to solve them.

Integrating your new LMS with 3rd-party systems*: Four issues and our suggestions for how to solve them. | Issue 1: Your users have to log in each time they move between your LMS and your other systems. Solution: Single sign-on (SSO) gives the user a seamless entry into the LMS from one of your other systems, without having to enter a username/password into the LMS. How to acheive this: Many LMSs support a variety of SSO methods. Your 3rd-party vendor should provide documentation or assistance to get your SSO system working with your new LMS. | Issue 2: You have a dynamic user population, and you want to have imports scheduled on a regular basis. Solution: Real-time user account synchronization, which is typically done through file transfer (such as a CSV file), could be scheduled as often as you like. How to achieve this: Ask your LMS provider if they have an API to create and update user accounts. Issue 3: You want to present data from the LMS and another system at the same time. Solution: Real time user data gives you the capability to view data from multiple systems on the same screen. How to achieve this: Talk with your new LMS provider and see what options are available. | Issue 4: You may have other systems that need the results of a learner's progress. Solution: User progress synchronization can be done by file export, email, or API call to the external system. Updates could be scheduled or real time, depending on your need. How to achieve this: Ask your LMS provider what types of data export they support. *Like Hr systems (such as ADP), CRM systems (such as SalesForce), Association Management Systems (such as Avectra), and other platforms.

See also: 
Five IT points to consider when changing your LMS
Changing your Learning Management System (LMS) can present a number of IT challenges and questions.


Topics: elearning tools, learning management systems, switching LMS, lms content

Making sure your new LMS works for all devices

Posted by susan reuter on Tue, Feb 27, 2018

When switching your LMS, it may have compatibility issues with older browsers or operating systems. Use our infographic to help determine what your user base needs:

Making sure your new LMS works for your user base: Does the LMS work best in certain web browsers? Does the LMS require pop-ups to be enabled? Is the LMS Javascript enabled? Are LMS URLs listed as trusted sites? The best way to address browser requirements is to examine your user base. Are they part of a corporate network? YES: They will likely use the same or similar browsers and operating systems. NO: Work with your LMS provider to identify your user base. You may want to consider adding a notice for users about what browsers and features are supported. YES: Check LMS compatability: Check browser compatibility: Some corporations don't upgrade their platforms regularly and may be running old versions of browsers. Network firewall issues: There may be settings on that network's firewall that will need to be updated. This means providing the new LMS domains/IP addresses to the IT team responsible for that network.

See also: 
Five IT points to consider when changing your LMS
Changing your Learning Management System (LMS) can present a number of IT challenges and questions.

Topics: elearning tools, learning management systems, switching LMS, lms content, browser compatibility, networks, users, corporate network

Transferring LMS user records and training history

Posted by susan reuter on Tue, Feb 06, 2018

Transferring and creating user records can get complicated when switching to a new LMS. If you're having issues, we have some methods that can help:

Tranferring old user records infographic

See also: 
Five IT points to consider when changing your LMS
Changing your Learning Management System (LMS) can present a number of IT challenges and questions.

Topics: elearning tools, learning management systems, switching LMS, lms content, user records