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At Ziiva, we offer more than a comprehensive, tailor-fit Learning Management System. We are always seeking ways to enrich your company culture and improve the online learning experience that you offer to your students, employees, customers, or users.

Tracking employee skills

Posted by Dan Wheeler on Tue, Aug 31, 2021
Tracking employee skills and competencies with spreadsheets is a pain.  Who has the latest matrix versions?  Who's going to fix formulas that are deleted or broken?  Who is keeping them up to date?
Tracking employee skills and proficiency levels is increasingly critical for workforce management and employee development.  Matrix reports that show available and required skills and proficiency levels is an easy, visual way to track who is trained and capable of doing various jobs.  It is also increasingly required for customer and quality standard audits.
Many organizations have built complex spreadsheets to try and track skills, but these are often cumbersome, easy to break and no one knows who has the most up to date version.  That's where Prosperity Skills Mark can help.
 Unlike spreadsheets you can:
  • Maintain one consistent up-to-date matrix
  • Quickly update with no formulas
  • Easy reporting for audits
  • Filter and group data to get the precise data you need
  • Set automatic updates to keep employee and team information up to date
  • Automate tracking reports, notifications and reminders
Prosperity Skills Mark gives you the data you need at your fingertips to make better decisions, identify gaps, and report on skills for employees, teams and entire companies.

Topics: learning management software, manufacturing, compliance, reporting, matrix reports

Reporting with Prosperity LMS

Posted by Kellyann Bryan on Fri, Jul 19, 2019

One of the biggest reasons people look for a learning management system (or LMS for you tech-jargon lovers out there) is their need for quick, efficient, set-it-and-forget-it reporting.

Whether it’s because their boss asked to see which employees are up-to-date on training and compliance, there’s a looming audit on the horizon, or they just had an audit (and got a few dings for missing vital information), having reports readily available is crucial to staying on top of things.

Prosperity LMS has four central types of reporting, and those four types contain myriad ways to customize and adapt reports even further to meet the unique needs of each client.

  • Interactive dashboards are a quick way to see who has missed a training deadline, who is or is not in compliance, and what training is upcoming for all active employees. This type of report is always shown in real time and is the perfect tool to get an overview of the company’s overall training and compliance.

  • Matrix reports are highly visual, and are a great way of showing different relationships between things -- making them a prompt, straightforward way of seeing the specific data you want to see. As with all matrices, these types of reports are laid out in a grid of rows and columns, with different colored dots or pie chart pieces denoting whether something has been completed or not, as well as the level of completion. For example, one might want to see an overview of program completion statuses by company, then by job title, then by completion/expiration data. Like all of our reports, these can be customized to fit your needs, and they give us the most flexibility to provide your data exactly the way you want it displayed.

  • Ad hoc is a funny little phrase that sounds like it should be followed by "Gesundheit!” but really, it’s just Latin, translating directly to “for this.” This type of report is used when an admin or supervisor has a specific inquiry that needs addressing – their question being the driving force to run a report “for this.” We have a list of common things clients want to know. Once a supervisor selects the ad hoc report to run, he can filter his search to give him the exact data he’s looking for, and then choose how he’d like the data grouped once it’s collected. Bonus: you can export ad hoc reporting data directly to Excel or your favorite business intelligence (BI) tool.

  • The Queries module is essentially a window into your database. You can get any report in any configuration, and it can be scheduled to run as often as you need, with the results being emailed directly to you. This type of report is not as user-friendly as others, so it is something we would configure for your team. Unless, that is, you have someone who is well-versed in Structured Query Language (SQL). Otherwise, just call the training team and we will help you grab those queries!

Any of these reports can be quickly and easily accessed from an admin portal or sent to your email. Reports can be automated to run on whatever timeline best fits your needs – and you’ll get the data sent to you without you even having to think about it. We created the Prosperity LMS to make the lives of supervisors, managers, employees, and training providers easier. We try to make it even easier by providing you with ongoing support and resources so you can continue to be successful for years to come.

Have questions? Email me! kellyann@ziiva.com. Happy Reporting!

Topics: learning management systems, reporting