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Daniel Lynton

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4 groups to contact before changing your LMS

Posted by Daniel Lynton on Fri, Oct 06, 2017

A man contacting a group to discuss changing his LMS

No LMS user works alone. Parting ways with your Learning Management System might affect your whole organization. Consulting your colleagues before making the transition to a new LMS will make the move easier, because they are going to have concerns, requirement, and many questions.

According to Brandon Hall Group, an HR consulting firm, the top three most important requirements for a new LMS are:

  1. Ease-of-use
  2. More robust reporting features/analytics
  3. Simple integration with systems

But the priorities will differ from department to department, and so will the concerns.

1. Administrators/HR/training department(s)

An administrator using her company's LMS

This team includes the heaviest users of an LMS. They’re in charge of time-intensive tasks like: 

  • Administering pre-employment tests to potential hires
  • Onboarding new employees
  • Tracking training progress and results
  • Corresponding with employees/users about progress, deadlines, etc.
  • Keeping up with certification and compliance management

Your training department will have valuable input for the LMS buying decision. If an LMS is working right, it is offloading and automating many administrative tasks, easing the burden on overwhelmed training personnel, and enabling them to be proactive rather than reactive.

HR/training will have questions like:

  • How do I create courses in the new system?
  • How long will it take me to feel comfortable using a new LMS?
  • We have some unique needs — will the new system be able to meet them?
  • What reporting features does the new LMS have?
  • How do I administer exams and track results?
  • Will I be able to change features I don’t like?
  • Is there a support team that I can ask for help?

2. IT department

An IT worker in a server room

The IT department will almost certainly be concerned by a system overhaul. They may have spent years supporting the old system, hosting courses and collecting valuable user information. Here are some issues they might raise:

  • What security issues will a new LMS introduce?
  • Will I be able to securely transfer data to a new system? How?
  • Will I be able to extract my content off this new platform? How?
  • Do I get FTP access to the new system?
  • How will I move user account information?
  • How much customization is available?
  • Will the new system integrate with our workflow (billing service, classroom portal, project management tool, marketing platform, etc.)?
  • How much maintenance and on-going administration will be necessary?
  • What’s the estimated start-up time?
  • Will the new system provide end-user tech support? 

3. Managers 

A manager with a worker

Managers typically make the final call on the breakup (is it you?). They’re looking at bottom lines, but they are also aware of how an LMS affects the working environment—both negatively and positively.

Here are some points they will be considering:

  • Will a new system help us sell our content faster and more effectively?
  • How will the new system differ from the old one? Will it be better?
  • How much is it going to cost?
  • Does it offer flexible pricing (prepaid course codes, pay-as-you-go, etc.)?
  • Will the new system collect data about users and potential customers? Will it be easy or difficult to comply with the 2018 GDPR regulations?
  • Will it meet our unique business requirements?
  • What cost/time savings will it bring us? 

4. Learners

An employee using his company's LMSDon’t forget the end users! Changing your LMS will affect the learners who depend on the system to deliver and support courses. If they won’t use the system, the system won’t work for you.

Do you consult with them regarding an impending LMS breakup? It depends on your business model—the users might even be the ones pushing hardest for a new system. Regardless, they will notice the change. You will want to prepare them for the transition and have a plan to administer to their needs during the changeover. Here are some questions that might come up:

  • Does your new LMS offer end-user tech support?
  • What is your change management plan?
  • How and when will you prepare your end users for the transition?
  • Will we need additional training to use the new system?

United in the face of change

Transitioning to a new LMS will be smoother when you have the support of everyone involved. This can, however, take some effort. The Balance, a financial empowerment firm, offers some additional tips on reducing employee resistance to change.

Pro Tip

Include your potential new LMS partner in these conversations. One sign of a strong LMS partnership is a willingness to engage with and competently speak to all levels of concerns.

Changing your LMS? 6 tips for a smooth transition

Topics: lms tips, learning management

Changing your LMS? 6 tips for a smooth transition

Posted by Daniel Lynton on Thu, Oct 05, 2017

A person thinking about leaving their LMS

Leaving your LMS is like breaking up. In the end, the decision may come down to how well your system helps you improve people’s lives and jobs by sharing the knowledge and skills they can use. If your LMS is not helping this mission, it may be time to break up.

When something has made you continually unhappy or unsatisfied with your current system, you contemplate ending the relationship and moving to something new. 

Change can be intimidating. You’ve already invested years of learning and practice in your current LMS, and wonder how a new one will compare. However, before you allow worries to cloud your vision for a new and improved LMS, consider these tips for creating a smooth transition:

1. Involve your whole team

A team working on transitioning to a new LMS

Transitioning to a new LMS will involve your whole team.

You may have made the decision to change, but now everybody needs to be cheering on the new LMS. Make a pact as a team to give your new LMS a honeymoon phase, when you appreciate its finer points while adapting to a new system. Challenge your team to fully understand how the new LMS accomplishes a task before comparing it to the old system. 

The support of your team and its ability to embrace change will create a much smoother transition. The Balance, a financial empowerment firm, offers some additional tips on reducing employee resistance to change.

2. Promote engagement early and often

A person engaging with their LMS

Learning a new system involves more than attending a training seminar or reading a handbook. It requires engaging with the application over time. In addition to ensuring your team is trained on the LMS, emphasize that it must be used often. If you allocate time each week for your employees to work with the new system, their learning curve will be shorter and the transition smoother.

Happy employees engage with their LMS on a regular basis. They know their results depend on their effort, so they take the time to learn. 

Some businesses come to us concerned about adopting a new LMS because of retention problems—which are the greatest concern for business leaders in 2017, according to a study by Future Workplace and Kronos. They are in a cycle where turnover is high and tenure can be shorter than the time it takes to become proficient in their LMS.

In our experience, those companies are happily surprised to find that retention improves when employees are trained on an LMS that fits their needs. Getting your employees properly trained increases job satisfaction and reduces turnover. 

The vicious HR cycle can be broken, but engagement with the LMS is key to success.


3. Take the time you need 

At first, your new LMS may feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. You won’t know where to find that button or how to track that class. You might feel frustrated and even miss the familiarity of your old system. According to Learning Solutions Magazine, it can take from six to 12 months to get fully comfortable.

Then it happens—with time and practice, you become a power user of your new LMS. The new system meets your initial needs, and then fulfills those other, unforeseen requirements that always appear. These additional features are the main reason organizations make an LMS change, according to eLearning Industry.

Infographic from eLearning Industries

Image source: eLearning Industry


4. Get the support you need

When transitioning to a new LMS, questions will arise. Some of your team members will learn from the manual, others will need training sessions, and others will do best through trial and error. Your new LMS should accommodate different learning styles, and offer long-term support. 

Poor customer support is a common reason organizations change their LMS, according to Training magazine.

Reasons to change your LMS

If you dreaded picking up the phone or asking for a new functionality with your old LMS, knowing it would end in a large bill or unresolved issue, make sure such support is a requirement with your new provider. 

5. Get personal attention from the LMS provider

Make sure your LMS provider knows who you are. This will significantly shorten your transition time and increase your satisfaction with the new system. Even if you are accustomed to having to rattle off an account number or explain your problem nine times each time you call LMS support, make sure it’s a different experience this time.

You deserve a dedicated trainer, customer service representative, and account manager, who are ready to assist you.

You want them familiar with your setup and focused on your project, so that you can get straight to the point each time you call.

This familiarity also creates a smooth transition from your LMS implementation team to tech support. If six months later, you can’t remember something from training or you finally start using a feature, you’ll know whom to ask and be sure he/she will remember your case.

6. Focus on the gains 

A person contemplating changing their LMS, focusing on the gains.

Focus on what you have to gain. The return on your investment won’t be measured only in dollars, but also in a happier team, happier clients, and simpler processes.

If something is missing from your current system, changing your LMS is worth it. When your LMS fits your needs, you get

  • More free time
  • More reliable information
  • Easier reporting to management

This makes it possible for you to achieve your team's goals—making sure your learners get the knowledge and skills they need.


Topics: lms tips, learning management

E-Learning Seminars

Posted by Daniel Lynton on Mon, Dec 28, 2009

Conference Alerts has posted a comprehensive list of upcoming events in internet-based education, educational technology and related fields.

January 2010

07 Learning Futures Festival Online 2010 Leicester United Kingdom
07 Hawaii International Conference on Education Honolulu Hawaii
15 New Frontiers in Learning and Innovation Houston Texas
20 MISC 2010 - International Conference on Mobility, Individualisation, Socialisation, Connectivity London United Kingdom
22 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2010) Sanya China
All accepted papers will also be published in theconference proceeding by ASME, and will be listedin the ASME website, and indexed by Ei Compendexand Thomson ISI.
25 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology Macau China
The main objective of e-CASE & e-Tech 2010 is toprovide a platform for researchers, engineers,academicians as well as industrial professionalsfrom all over the world to present their researchresults and development activities.
26 Best Learning Center Practices to Support Online Student Success and Retention online
Online students need specific learning & studystrategies support. Learn how to involve learningcenter admin/staff in helping campus studentstaking online courses & how to assist instructorsin integrating learning assistance support.

February 2010

01 3rd Annual Forum on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle-East 2010: Bringing Global Quality to a Local Context Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates
04 World Conference on Educational Sciences istanbul Turkey
12 The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering (DSDE 2010) Bangalore India
All papers of DSDE 2010 will be published by IEEE,and will be included in the IEEE Xplore.
15 Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines Gozo Malta
19 E- resources in Higher Education – Issues, Challenges, Opportunities and Developments Tiruchirappalli India
23 International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL) New Delhi India
25 The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference Orlando Florida
26 2010 The 2nd SPIE International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2010) Singapore Singapore
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding by SPIE, and will be SPIEDigital Library, indexed by the INSPEC, EiCompendex, Chemical Abstracts, InternationalAerospace Abstracts.
26 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010) Singapore Singapore
All accepted papers will also be published in theconference proceeding by ASME or IEEE, and beindexed by the major indexing services, such as EiCompendex and Thomason ISI Proceeding.
26 2010 International Conference on Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences (BCPS 2010) Singapore Singapore
The accepted full papers will be published in theBCPS 2010 Proceeding, which will be indexed by theworld major indexing services.

March 2010

01 Developing an Online Orientation Online Webcast
01 International Conference for Academic Disciplines Orlando Florida
04 TOUCHPOINT 2010 1st Technology in Education Conference Manila Philippines
15 International Conference for Academic Disciplines Las Vegas
15 Microcomputers in Education Conference Tempe Arizona
15 The Eighth IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education ~WBE 2010~ Sharm El Sheikh Egypt
18 GUIDE Association International Workshop 2010 New Challenges for e-learning in cultural, scientific and socio-economic development Rome Italy
19 The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery (ICKD 2010) Bali Island Indonesia
The ICKD 2010 Conference proceeding will beincluded in the IEEE Xplore and CSDL, and indexedby the IEE INSPEC, Thomson ISI (ISTP), and EICompendex.
26 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA 2010) Bali Indonesia
ICCAE 2010 will be published by IEEE, and allpapers in the proceedings will be included in theIEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex andThomson ISI.
27 2010 the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC 2010) Shenyang China
All accepted papers will also be published in the conference proceeding by IEEE, and will be indexed by EI Compendex, INSPEC, Thomson ISI, IEEE XploreTM.
30 International Arab Conference on e-Technology Kuwait Kuwait

April 2010

13 IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Dubai United Arab Emirates
15 1st Symposium on Collective Intelligence (COLLIN 2010) Hagen Germany
15 eLearning and Software for Education conference - eLSE 2010 Bucharest Romania
15 E-learning and software for education Bucharest Romania
15 The 6th International Conference STRATEGIES XXI Bucharest Romania
16 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Building Management (ICIBM 2009) Chengdu China
All ICIBM 2010 papers will be listed in IEEEXplore and CSDL, and indexed by Ei Compendex,Thomson ISI Proceedings and INSPEC.
16 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010) Chengdu China
The ICCET 2010 proceedings will be included inIEEE Xplore, and Indexed by Thomson ISI and EiCompendex.
16 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (IEEE ICIME 2010) Chengdu China
Sponsored by IEEE, all papers will be included inIEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex andThomson ISI.
21 Defence Academies and Colleges e-Learning Conference The Hague Netherlands
23 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering and Modeling (ICSEM 2010) Bangkok Thailand
Conference Proceedings will be included in theIEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex andThomson ISI.
25 2010 International Conference on Economics and Finance Research (ICEFR 2010) Bangkok Thailand
All the registered papers of ICEFR 2010 will be indexed by British Library, and indexed by Thomson ISI and Nelson.
25 Quality Connections - Boundless Possibilities: Through Open, Flexible and Distance Learning Wellington New Zealand
28 “Mathematical education in a context of changes in primary school” Olomouc Czech Republic
29 Moodle Mini Moot Wellington New Zealand

May 2010

03 LANGUAGES & BUSINESS 2010 Duesseldorf Germany
05 The 3rd International ELT Conference Telling ELT Tales out of School Famagusta, North Cyprus Cyprus
05 2010 KSET International Conference Seoul Korea (South)
05 Educational Technology Forum (ETF) 2010 Sharjah United Arab Emirates
07 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2010) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Conference proceedings will be included in IEEEXplore ,and indexed by Ei Compendex, and ISIT Thomson.
10 3rd International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010: e-Learning istanbul Turkey
10 Future Learning 2010 Istanbul Ýstanbul Turkey
12 GLOBAL LEARNING CONFERENCE 2010 Johannesburg South Africa
17 Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 Penang Malaysia
19 International Conference on TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, QUALITY OF TEACHING, AND REFORMING EDUCATION: Learning Technologies, Quality of Education, Athens Greece
23 5th International Conference of MITs Learning International Networks Consortium Cambridge Massachusetts
MIT LINC is an international community ofindividuals and organizations that focuses onhigher education in emerging countries and therole that technology can play in expandingeducational reach.
24 American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines Toronto Canada
31 Multiple Intelligences World Symposium Beijing China

June 2010

01 Foreign Language Teaching Conference: Independent Learning Gaziantep Turkey
02 PLATO @ 50: Conference Celebrating 50th Anniversary of PLATO System Mountain View CA
03 SOLSTICE 2010: Technology Enhanced Learning and the Student Experience Ormskirk United Kingdom
The 5th international SOLSTICE 2010 eLearning Conference will focus on technologies in teaching to support and challenge learners, to bring efficiency and added value to assessment and feedback and impact on employability.
03 The first International Conference on E-Learning For ALL (ELFA2010) Hammamet Tunisia
03 Multiple Intelligences World Symposium Singapore Singapore
07 European College Teaching and Learning Conference Dublin Ireland
This conference seeks papers in all areas ofteaching and learning, administrative, and relatedissues at the K-12 and college levels.
09 Temasek Polytechnic's International Conference on Learning and Teaching Singapore Singapore
09 International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW) New York New York
14 International Conference on Economics, Business and Management ¨C ICEBM 2010 Manila Philippines
All the registered papers of ICEBM 2010 will be indexed by British Library, and indexed by Thomson ISI and Nelson.
22 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC 2010) Shanghai China
Based on the success of ICETC 2009, ICETC 2010will be held in Shanghai China during Jun 22-24, 2010.
28 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2010) London United Kingdom
30 PLAT2010 Edinburgh United Kingdom
30 ICT2010 International Conference on Teaching and Learning Singapore Singapore

July 2010

05 2010 the 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2010) Dalian China
ICSPS 2010 is co-sponsored by the DalianUniversity of Technology, InternationalAssociation of Computer Science and InformationTechnology (IACSIT), and IEEE.
06 INC2010 - 8th International Network Conference 2010 Heidelberg Germany
This conference, the eighth in our series, willbring together leading figures from academia andindustry to present and discuss the latestadvances in networking technologies from researchand commercial perspectives.
08 6th International Conference on Education (ICE) 2010 Samos Island Greece
09 2010 International Conference on Instructional and Computer Technology (ICICT 2010) Chengdu China
ICICT 2010 will be published by IEEE CPS, which will be included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Ei Compendex, ISI Proceeding and other indexing services.
09 2010 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2010) Chengdu China
Conference proceeding will be published by IEEE,and will be included in the IEEE Xplore, andindexed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceeding.
09 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Applied Electronics (ICIAE 2010) Chengdu China
All accepted papers will be published in theconference proceedings, which will be indexed byIEEE Xplore, Thomason ISI, Ei Compendex and othermajor indexing services.
12 International Conference on e-Learning Penang Malaysia
12 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing Las Vegas Nevada
12 The 2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR'10) Las Vegas Nevada
12 The 2010 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'10) Las Vegas Nevada
12 The 2010 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS'10) Las Vegas Nevada
12 The 2010 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'10) Las Vegas Nevada
12 The 2010 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'10) Las Vegas Nevada
15 8th ICICTH - International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health Samos Island Greece
15 ETLDR 2010 York United Kingdom
17 Cyberpsychology and Computing Psychology Conference (CyComP 2010) Bolton United Kingdom
25 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design and Applications (ICCDA 2010) Qinhuangdao China
All papers in the ICCDA 2010 will be included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by ISI, Ei Compendex, and CSDL and INSPEC.
26 IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2010 Freiburg Germany
26 IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010 Freiburg Germany

August 2010

01 Annual International Conference on Computing and ICT Research (ICCIR'10) Kampala Uganda
04 2010 the International Conference of Organizational Innovation Bangkok Thailand
06 The 8th Asia TEFL International Conference Hanoi Viet Nam
20 2010 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2010) Chengdu China
Sponsord by IEEE, All accepted papers will be published by IEEE, and be included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Thomson ISI and Ei Compendex.

September 2010

10 The 2nd ASME International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2010) Singapore Singapore
All accepted papers will also be published in theconference proceeding by ASME, whichwill be indexed by ASME Digital Library, EI Compendex and Thomson ISI.

October 2010

03 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2010) Puerto Rico USA
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE, which will be included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex, ISI Proceeding and other major indexing services.
18 TARC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LEARNING & TEACHING 2010: Emerging Trends in Higher Education Learning and Teaching Malaysia Malaysia

November 2010

08 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2010) London United Kingdom
28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany

February 2011

21 eLi - The 2nd International Conference of e-Learning and Distance Learning Riyadh Saudi Arabia

August 2011

17 Conference on eLearning & IT Offshoring New Jersey / New York USA

Topics: e-learning seminars