Learning Management Systems (LMS) have increased in popularity and become within reach of more organizations over the past few years.
Corporate demand for knowledge management software is growing because it represents a good deal for the company, as well as for the employees being trained.It’s easy to see why employees like training management

Typical corporate reasons for implementing e-learning systems are the initial cost savings easily seen in the hard costs of instructor fees, room fees, and travel expense.
However, organizations won’t enjoy the full advantages and savings of computer based training without a Learning Management System.
- Training Consistency - Because a LMS is centralized delivery of training, it's consistent. While the quality of instructor-led training can vary based on how well the instructor engages students (as well as instructor knowledge base), employee training (elearning as well as instructor led) through a Learning Management System delivers a consistent level of training quality to all employees by providing a single source for content, related materials and instructions.
- Reporting and Tracking - A Learning Management System allows an organization to easily produce training reports on an overall or an employee level basis. A well-designed LMS will allow the organization to easily track utilization, goal progress, knowledge gains, and ROI. An LMS allows the organization to clearly demonstrate cost savings for individual training initiatives and strategies.
- Measurement of Knowledge Gains - Pre and post testing gives an organization the ability to measure knowledge gained through the LMS.
- Ability to quickly change and update training materials - A Learning Management System allows the organization to change employee training to quickly respond to client feedback. Organizations can easily release training for new products and features.
- Compliance - A Learning Management System provides training reporting and evidence to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements.
- Personalized Learning - A well designed LMS allows training to be tailored for each employee.
- Training Time Management - Learning Management Systems can monitor training time, giving insight for training improvement opportunities.
- Administration Automation - A LMS can reduce learning administration costs by automating enrollments, registration, payments, student recordkeeping, syllabus, course assignments, course content reviews and updating, assessments, certification, surveys, course evaluations, student communication, reporting, education analysis, development and analysis of training costs.
- Build training feedback systems - Learning Management Systems can track employee course satisfaction, and knowledge differentials. These measurements can uncover opportunities to change course content for increased effectiveness.
- Demonstrates organization's training priority - Organizations that commit resources and internal projects to LMS implementation signal the importance of training to employees.
Organizations that invest in employee training can leverage savings by adding a well designed Learning Management System to corporate elearning strategies.
Whether training is driven by increased performance strategies or regulatory compliance, a well planned LMS can affect additional organizational savings.Source: www.ziiva.com